Getting in the Summer Rush!

Top : Chad Parris and Daughter on the Miss.
Middle: Happy Birthday Henry(Larry)with a St. Croix Smallie on a Diver
Bottom: Dave with his seconds fish on a fly rod a 19.5 inch St.Croix beauty.
Things are really starting to heat up. The rivers are very low for this time of year and fishing has been good but not great. The bigger bass seem to be hiding a little more this year than in the past. There are still out there, but just being a bit more difficult. Fish are now more likely to be found on the deeper troughs and humps closer to mid river structure. Streamer patterns have worked best for me in the last couple of weeks. If the fish seem to be hitting but not taking I have down sized and have seemed to pick up more fish. It is all about casting at this point in the year. The water is low and clear so long accurate casting will help increase your chances of hook ups. Position yourself off the drops and humps and bomb away.
On a side note I want to thank everyone that has offered there support to me after my fall. I fell in my garage on the 4th of July and broke my right foot and elbow while cleaning the boat. I have taken a few days off to try and recover and will be back at it this Saturday the 8th. The support my fellow guides, neighbors and the fishing community has shown is overwhelming. Thanks to all of you. It has meant a great deal, and to my customers thanks for your support and understanding. Get out and fish. The next few month are going to be great.
Keep Casting,