Spring is Here?

Well their calling for another foot of snow in the next couple of days. I don't know if spring has sprung or if it is on hold. I guess let it snow we need the moistures for the rivers and trout streams. I look at the calendar and Wisconsin's early C&R season is just 3 days away. It must be spring. You might need a good pair of snowshoes to get to the streams, but it will be worth it.
Show season is also in full swing. I would like to thank everyone at the Grear Waters Show in Chicago for stopping by and saying hello. It was a very nice show and next year should be even better. I have a few more that I'll be attending and hopefully will see more of you.
The March/April edition of Eastern Fly Fishing has something very exciting in it, if you ask me. It is my first full lenght article. Look for the St. Croix River article and you'll see my name. I am kind of blown away by the whole thing. It is a pretty cool experiance to say the least.
We still have a few openings for our Sping Creek Weekend. It is on the weekend of April 19th-22nd. It will be held in Coon Valley and should be a great time to be fishing. There should be lots of bugs on the water. Give me a call if your interested, or if you would like more information.
I know there is a lot of snow out there, but get out there and fish. Spring is kind of here and it should be a great year.
Good Luck,