Were did the time go?

Here are some of the highlights to the season that was 2007. The first picture is Joseph Meyer from One More Cast In Chicago with probably the nicest fish of the year. 5+ lbs. The picture doesn't do the fish justice. The second is my son Truman with his first true fish on the fly rod. The last to are a couple of Musky that were boated during the "Trip from Hell."
I can't believe it is the day after Christmas! I see that my last post was late August. I'm sorry for not doing a better job of keeping everyone up to date. I will try harder this coming year. When the season is rolling and it is one trip after another, post on a blog is not number 1 on the to do list. I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and the celebration of our Saviors birth was a blessed one.
Well show season starts in just over a month. Thoughts of the summer to come will begin to creep into our minds and the hope that it will bring another fabulous summer of fishing. This last season was one of the better I can remember. We landed many nice fish and shared wonderful hours on the river with each other.
I am busy starting to tie some flys, looking for that magic bug that will drive the fish crazy. Tying is not one of my favorite past times but it keeps me out of trouble and thinking of different ways to fish and present fly in a more effective manner.
The boy from Tight Lines and I held our annual meeting on Christmas Eve Morning. This has become a bit of a tradition and I really look forward to it each year. We sit around drinking coffee and swapping stories from the past year. We did come up with the dates for the Smallmouth trip From Hell you have heard me talk about. This years trip is June 18 thru the 21st. We will start in Green Bay and work our way west. Four of the best smallmouth rivers in the country in four days. If you are interested in this trip let me know. We are only taking a max of four boats. Spots will not last long.
I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year and stop by and see us at the shows.